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Schefflera digitata Pate

October 2nd 2005

Schefflera digitata Pate

Found in damp parts of the forests.

Leaves are softer and more toothed than  Pseudopanax arboreus.

Leaflets 7-18 cm long.
Often mistaken for a Pseudopanax or five finger. The leaves are less glossy, membranous and generally larger and scruffier than the trrue five fingers.

If you wish to learn more about native plants I suggest one of these natural history books from fishpond

Life-size Guide to New Zealand Native Ferns: Featuring the Caterpillars Which Feed on ThemA Field Guide to the Native Edible Plants of New ZealandGardener's Encyclopaedia of NZ Native PlantsTrees and Shrubs of New ZealandThe Reed Field Guide to New Zealand Native Trees



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